
Using Personal Money Management Software 

Let's say that you have a long road trip to take. Would you just get in your car and keep driving with nary a glance at your fuel gauge? You'll probably always look at it. For some reason though, we just go through life without much of a look at what our bank accounts look like. Unless we actually run out of money at some point. Personal money management software can really help you manage life responsibly.

When you install this on a computer, it helps you really take control, by giving you a proper dashboard or interface to look at that'll give you everything you need to know about your personal financial situation at a glance. It'll track how much money you have in each one of your bank accounts and credit cards, how much your bills are, what you've invested in various places, how much you owe overall – everything's right there in one place so that you can't ever hide from the truth. Personal money management software will do that for you.

Know how people write their goals in life on pieces of paper and then stick them on their bathroom mirrors and so on? This kind of in-your-face reminder is what personal money management software is capable of. It's like you have your personal financial goals stuck on your computer for you to see all the time. When you keep doing this, your chances of becoming rich go up. Your chances of winding up impoverished or deeply in debt steeply go down. It's all about being reminded of the state you're in all the time.

Personal money management software can come in two basic kinds. There are ones like Quicken or Microsoft Money that basically help you manage your own personal finances (Mint and Wesabe are online tools that do the same thing) and then there are tax-preparation programs with names like H&R Block and TurboTax.

Personal money management software, will help you pay your bills electronically on time so that you never have to encounter a late fee or penalty ever again, it will help you keep track of your bank accounts, it will help you plan paying down all your debt, it'll help you track your portfolio by giving you stock quotes on all your stocks all the time, and it can help you do some basic tax-preparation work.

Dedicated tax preparation software on other hand is great for planning out your retirement, your investing and your estate plans, it's great at filling out all the forms that you need and giving you the latest changes in the IRS code, it will try its best to tell you where there are deductions you can claim, and it can file your taxes online for you.

Certainly, personal money management software doesn't do anything that you couldn't do manually on Excel. But Excel can be super tedious. Since we tend to let our money responsibilities in get out from under us, user-friendly software would be a great idea.

Luckily, personal money management software doesn't come that expensive. Last year's version of Quicken for instance, you can get for $15. The latest version usually costs about twice as much.


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